Biyernes, Hulyo 27, 2012

Tillandsia Collection


I bought four tillandsias from Puentespina Quezon Ave.  Here are the pictures.  I kept all the labels so now I know the names of the tillandsias (learned my lesson - never forget the names coz it is hard to identify them and sort of making me nuts).  

Tillandia caput medusae - weird looking but hey it already has a pup 

Tillandia caput medusae - another view

Tillandsia araujei

Tillandsia ionantha scaposa

Tillandsia ionantha scaposa

Tillandsia ionantha rubra - this is the pup, I separated it from its mom below .  The pup is  different from its mom.  Wondering why.

Tillandsia ionantha rubra - this is the mom of  the one above. This is  darker than the pup.

Biyernes, Hulyo 20, 2012

Unknown Tillandsia Species

Unknown Tillandsia species

Here are three of my unknown species of tillandsia.  Forgot the names.  Please help me to identify these tillandsias.  

Sir Bom of responded on my query regarding these.  Thank you Sir Bom.

Unknown A: Quite large.  About 12 inches in height.   Got a response from Sir Bom of that this might be  T. capitata or T. rhodocephala .  According to him, he needs to see the inflorescence for a definite ID.

Unknown A: Quite large.  About 12 inches in height.   

Unknown B: Small.  About 5  inches in height.   

Unknown B: Small.  About 5  inches in height.   

Unknown C: Small.  Pup of the tillandsia below.  About 4  inches in height.  According to Sir Bom of that this is a hybrid with T. capitata as possible parent.  When it flowers, i'll post a picture (it might take years).  

Unknown C: Small.  Pup of the tillandsia below.  About 4  inches in height. 

Unknown C - mother of pup above.  Quite dry when I bought it . Muntik ko ng itapon.  Good thing that I didn't throw it away coz it produce one pup and I'm hoping it will produce more.  Still it looks like it is dying as it already flowered.
Unknown C - mother of pup above.

Martes, Hulyo 17, 2012

Air Plant Collection


Just started collecting airplants.  I bought them from Q.C. Circle during the garden show last February 2012.   Some have names and some, I did not write the names and promptly forgot.  Anyway, here are the pictures.   I hope to add more.  

Tillandsia schiedeana minor

Tillandsia schiedeana minor

Tillandsia ionantha clump
Tllandsia ionantha clump (don't know if yellow or purple, waiting for it to flower)

Tillandsia druid clump
Tillandsia druid mother and pups 

T. druid pup

Tillandsia funkiana
Tillandsia funkiana